1.1. General Background of the Study
The concept of community participation in policy implementation is important to improve the quality of life and ensure the development of the country. According to Kelvin (2010), governments encourage communities to participate in the implementation …show more content…
It requires participation of key stakeholder such as community. People may improve quality of life by participating in the implementation of the policy that ensures their wellbeing. A policy is made by the government to solve the problem of the society. For instance, government may intentionally formulate policy to protect its people from harmful traditional practice such as early marriage. In this case, government deliberately formulates policy to prohibit early marriage including law that determines the age of consent for marriage. Hence, policy refers to whatever governments choose to do or not to do (Dye, …show more content…
According to Family Code Law (2000), neither a man nor a woman who has not attained the full age of eighteen years shall conclude marriage. The reason for formulating this law is to promote children’s and women’s wellbeing and empowerment. The Ethiopian Constitution (1994) provided women with rights such as right to equality in marriage; right to equality in employment, promotion and pay; right to maternity leave with full pay; right to full consultation in the formulation of national development policies; and the right to participate and compete equally with men in political, social and economic life as well as in public and private institutions. The Constitution also prohibits customs and practices that cause bodily or mental harm to women. In order to prevent harm arising from pregnancy and childbirth, women have the right of access to family planning education, information and capacity (CoFDRE,