Christianity is known to have started in the areas now known as palestine and israel…
Amidst this mayhem, scholars began to criticize medieval assumptions about the nature of God, humankind, and society.…
The Medieval Civilization, Latin for “middle age”, was the period from about 500 to 1450. It is known today as the Middle Ages because it came between the fall of Rome and the start of the modern era. Although many can argue that this period of time can be labeled as a “Dark Age” because of the evil and injustice that occurred, it can be better labeled as an “Age of Faith” because of the great extent of power and influence the Catholic church had, the Crusades, and the peace that the church brought to the people.…
secular- not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order.…
The Ancient Hebrew culture was a culture defined by many things but mostly for their construction of their religion. Hebrews or the religion Judaism were the first to be a monotheistic religion, unlike many others they believed that there was only one God, “You shall have no other gods besides Me.” (Exodus 20.1, RWH 131) Their religion began when Abraham spoke with a supernatural deity on a hill. It was at that time when the deity and Abraham made a covenant. The deity promised Abraham that if he followed his rules his people would flourish and be protected. Hebrews believed that this god made the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon etc. Their religion existed around him and they would do anything to please him and live by his laws.…
1800 BC Judaism. Abraham is called by God to leave his country, family, culture and pagan gods. In return God would transform Abraham's descendants into a great nation. Abraham does this and it is at this time, according to Jewish Scriptures, Judaism is born. This can be a point of contention for at this time there were no real doctrines to follow.…
Through the years , Christianity was one of the most questioned religion . Although , Christianity became a ruling religion in the European and Western world.Religion became a state of the Roman Empire, and Christianity became an enormous and influential religion nationwide . Some still wonder why and how religion has shaped through centuries, yet it’s clear that it is and was one of the most important events in history. Christianity changed the western world in so many different ways during the Middle ages and adapted now in the global world since The Enlightenment.…
Most ancient groups did not believe in the same religion. The religions Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Atenism have many similar guidelines for living, but they also have some differences. Judaism originated back to almost four thousand years ago with the Hebrews near east region of Canaan , now a days known as Israel territory. Zoroastrianism began in Ancient Persian , when the prophet Zarathustra was inspired to teach and preach to others when his peaceful society was being torn apart by warring tribes. Atenism was Egypt's state religion for around twenty years, before subsequent rulers returned to the traditional gods and the Pharaohs associated with Atenism were erased from Egyptian…
The Medieval Church played a far greater role in Medieval England than the Church does today. In Medieval England, the Church dominated everybody's life. All Medieval people - be they village peasants or towns people - believed that God, Heaven and Hell all existed. From the very earliest of ages, the people were taught that the only way they could get to Heaven was if the Roman Catholic Church let them. Everybody would have been terrified of Hell and the people would have been told of the sheer horrors awaiting for them in Hell in the weekly services they attended.…
Judaism is the oldest of the monotheistic religions, and its history is heavily connected to the history of the Jewish people themselves. Its story begins with the original agreement made between Abraham and God, circa 1900 BCE, when Abraham was called to leave his home in Ur and migrate to Cannan (later known as Palestine and Israel), a land God promised to give to his descendants. The second and chief agreement was made 450 years later when Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt (the exodus) back to the lands of Canaan. At Mt Horeb (Sinai), God gave the Jewish people the 10 Commandants and other rules to live by (contained in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible), marking the beginning of Judaism as a structured religion. Jewish civilisation after the mass migration thrived in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, initially headed by effective lords like Saul, David and Solomon, who built the first great temple in Jerusalem.…
The High Middle Ages brought forth an era fill with Christian followers. When the northern tribes in Europe swept down and brought down the Roman empire, they settle in the Roman land and converted themselves to Christianity. These changes brought forth new cultures and artworks that puts more emphasis on religion. During this period, a lot of churches and great cathedral was build. Historian divided the High Middle Ages into two periods: the Romanesque Period and the Gothic Period. The Romanesque Period was fill with beautiful churches that contain reminiscent feelings of ancient Roman architecture. The Gothic Period began when church's architecture are designed with pointy arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses and stained glass…
Christianity transformed from a persecuted, unorganized group of believers into a hierarchical, dominating Church over the course of seven centuries, developing alongside the changing political environment of post-Roman Europe. The development of the institution of the Catholic Church and the spread of Christ throughout Europe during these seven centuries directly impacted every aspect of late-antiquity and early-medieval life, especially politics and the relationship between kings and religion. During this time period the Church rejected its domination by the Roman and Byzantine emperors, in turn exerting its own type of spiritual dominance over the rulers of post-Roman Europe. Christianity, through the Church, became organized and “conquered” all of Europe by the time of the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.…
1) What historical events, situations, and conditions might account for the diversity within Judaism in the first century?…
Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew people. It is one of the oldest religions that is still practiced today. Judaism upholds the idea that there is only one God in existence and that is Yahweh. Judaism according to Hebrew Scriptures was founded by Abraham some 3500 years ago in the Middle East. Judaism believes that Yahweh entered into a covenant with the descendants of Abraham who are also known as the chosen people of God. The Hebrews had a group of…
In “An Introduction to Early Judaism”, James C. VanderKam looks into the time in history between the Hebrew Old Testament and the Evangelical New Testament (586 BC – 70 AD) – the Inter-testamental period or the Second Temple period .…