Early movers may lack the complementary product to make their products succeed. iPad is totally new product to the market. It features and functions only based on Apple’s engineers and designers experiences to customer. The functions might not complete enough to satisfy customer requirement fully. The complementary product support likes memory card device never provides for iPad. Besides that, iPad have no any support software to help user to open adobe flash video in the website. These become a weakness of it and might spot by other competitors as guideline for them to develop similar product to compete with Apple.
Early movers can make mistakes that lock them into inferior technologies and other can learn from these mistakes. Apple successfully making profit from its product likes iPad. The potential risk of Apple’s attitude might become complacent as it felt whole market is requiring its product. This attitude might lead Apple lower down R&D process to develop new valuable product in further. There were few cases related to organization complacent for its business performance and started losing business when competitor taken over with more functional product.
No opportunity learns from others. Apple is the pioneer company to launch iPad such high-tech product to the market. As the first mover, Apple might not be able to forecast the problem will come across to the iPad as has no opportunity to learn from other. This is a risk to Apple and it need to be more careful for the product it launches. Yet, first mover needs strong resource and capabilities to be more responsive and flexible to adopt the changes of macro market.
Free rider effect, secondary or late mover might take advantages from Apple. As they able to observe Apple technology and design of iPad and save time and cost from R&D, buyer education, and infrastructure development. They also can make their way into the market and not spend the money or