I. Introduction
1. Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that may seriously impact the future of a young woman.
2. Being pregnant during the adolescence stage makes one’s life complicated.
II. Content
1. Early pregnancy can have various possible reasons.
2. Cause of Teenage Pregnancy.
3. Effect and Disease that may transfer to one’s life while having a teenage Pregnancy.
4. Drugs that may affect the fetus inside the mother’s womb.
III. Summary
1. Financial Problem of the teenagers who is having a Pregnancy during adolescence stage.
2. Family Problem. of the teenagers who is having a Pregnancy during adolescence stage.
3. Environment of the teenagers who is having a Pregnancy during adolescence stage.
IV. Significance of the Study\
1. Significance and reasons of this research.
2. Benefits for those who are relating into the topic.
V. Bibliography
1. Source of The Research Study
Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that may seriously impact the future of a young woman. Any teen pregnancy will be a challenge as teens typically lack skills needed to handle a pregnancy and motherhood. Patience, maturity and ability to handle stress are required by pregnant mothers of all ages. A teen pregnancy may also impact the baby.Some teenagers are excited to bear a child, especially when it is their first pregnancy. They are excited to see their baby. Others are excited to buy clothes and other things for the baby. They think of names for the baby. Some are confused and at a loss on what to do. They are too young and many have no idea about bearing a child. Some are scared. They think of questions like, “How should I tell my parents?” “How will I face my classmates?” or “What is the best thing to do to solve this problem?” They are afraid to answer these questions.they feel scared on what will be the reactions of their parents.
Many parents are not happy about the early pregnancy of children. They expect help in their old age, but their
Bibliography: Cherry, Andrew., Dillon, Mary and Rugh, Douglas., Teenage pregnancy: A global view. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. Associates, 1994. http://digital.library.unt.edu/govdocs/crs/permalink/meta-crs-5749:1; Jonathan D. Klein et al., Adolescent Pregnancy: Current Trends and Issues, 116 Pediatrics 1, at 281-86 (July 2005), available at: (2006), available at: www.guttmacher.org/pubs/2006/09/12/USTPstats.pdf. 3 Klein, supra note 1, at 281-86 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Preventing Teen Pregnancy: An Update in 2009,” (2009), available at: http://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/AdolescentReproHealth/AboutTP.htm