Professor Clinton Hale
English 1301
July 21, 2013
From Natural Science to Social Science Research, defined as studious inquiry or examination aimed at the discovery and interpretation of new knowledge, is an importance activity for all students. (Merriam-Webster Inc.) Doing research can help student understand how the world operates, which is part of the scientific discovery. (Aguado)When I was a high school student I was attracted in natural science. Fortunately, I, didn’t like most of new student researchers, had a teacher can direct me how to do research appropriately. Then I tried to select a topic about the botanical diversity of a local mountain in my hometown. After I decided the topic, I searched a lot of resources in order to find whether there are some researcher had done on this topic. I did that because the value of a research project is determined not only by the new data obtained but also the research complements previous investigations and contributes to our understanding of broad biological topics or to tests of broad ecological theories, concepts, or general problems in conservation and management of biodiversity. (Congdon and Dunham) Meanwhile, personal observations can be transformed into systematic inquiry by reviewing the work of other scholars and practitioners. (Marshall and Rossman) Following that instruction, I did my second research, which is also about ecology, in my life.
When I went to college, I found I began to be interested in social science, economics, because I think researching on economics can help us find and solve many problems in daily life, which helped me make the decision that choose economics as my major. After I learned some knowledge of economics, I attended SRTP (Student Research Training Program). SRTP in my school provided students an instructor and funds also, which gave me the chance do a research. Then I did a research about how the extended urbanization of Beijing impact the housing price of
Cited: Aguado, N. Alexander. "Teaching research methods: Learning by doing." Journal of Public Affairs Education 2009: 251-260. Beasley, James D. "The impact of technology on plagirism preention and detection: Research process automation, a new approach for prvention." Plagiarism: Prevention, Practice and Policies 2004. 2004. Chen, Junhua, Fei Guo and Ying Wu. "One decade of urban housing reform in China: urban Housing prce dynamics and the role of migration and urbanizaiton." Habitat International 2011: 1-8. Congdon, Justin D and Arthur E. Dunham. "Defining the beginning: The Importance of Research Design." Marine Turtle Specialist Group Publication No.4 (1999). Curley, Karen. eHow Contritutor. 2008. 21 July 2013. <>. Keenoy, C. L. "The Impact ofAutomation on the Field of Accounting." The Accounting Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 April 1958: 230-236. Marshall, Catherine and Gretchen B. Rossman. Designing qualitative research.sage. 2010. Merriam-Webster Inc. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster, 2004. Parasuraman, Raja and Victor Riley. "Huamns and automation: Use, misuse, isuse, abuse." Human Factors: The Journal of the Huaman Factors adn Ergonomics Society 39.2 1997: 230-253. Wright, Melanie C. The Effects of Automation on Team Performance and Team Coordination. 2002.