2. Stan works on an assembly line. What effective and appropriate approach would he be wise to use when…
The speaker celebrates Nature & reflects upon her as a mirror that matches his happy moods and is a comfort when he has dark thoughts. Man should connect with Nature, listen to her teaching, & receive her “healing sympathy” when he is oppressed by thoughts of death.…
Studies say that “Waking up before 8:30 is bad for kids”. Middle School start time should start later because sleep affects the students attitudes,grades,and health. Middle School start time should start later because sleep affects kids attitudes. Kids can get forgetful and will not be able to remember everything if they do not get enough sleep. Being tired can get kids moody and make them mad at anything. The kids can even act weird or do weird things if they do not have enough sleep. However, attitude is not the only thing that is affected if a kid does not get enough sleep, grades can be affected too.…
There are many health benefits for a later start time. "Less than one third of U.S. students, however, are sleeping at least 8 hours on school nights and four hours out of five middle and high schools start their day before 8:30 a.m. A consensus has emerged among health experts that this is simply too early," (neatoday.org). This evidence proves that the school start times can change the health of students. "Drowsy driving increases for our newest drivers. Teens released in the early afternoon (sometimes well before 2 p.m!) have hours of unsupervised time until the typical adult work day ends. Sleep deprivation increases risk-taking behavior, substance abuse, and impedes judgment and decision-making…
High schools throughout the United States start their school day at times that are too early for students. Teenagers have a biological wake time, and when schools start early in the morning, it interferes with teens biological clock. According to a study done by Harvard Medical School, young adults need at least nine hours of sleep every night. The study also shows that the need for sleep is never greater in our lives than it is during adolescence, but yet the conflict between school and sleep is at it’s highest while teens are in high school. Many educators believe that if teens just went to bed earlier, they would…
But, getting up so early just doesn’t seem very fun and and easy to do so. Scientific research affirms that grades perform better when woken up later. Researchers state teens getting more sleep do better academically, with better standardized test scores and better quality of life(Shute). Many percentages differ when teens getting more sleep(see figure 1). Because of all the evidence and reasons that school should start later, the government needs to put in action and make a change right away.…
First reason is that I feel fresh in early morning. I like working early because my mind is fresh and it is still in my work area. When the place is very noiseless, I can focus on my work. Working in the morning is good to take care of my work. Furthermore, working early morning allows me to do my works when there is no noise in my area, then I can…
Is waking up an hour later really worth it in high school? In the article High-School Starting Time, Jeff Varley, the author is trying to convince his audience of the troubles that high school students are going through by being forced to wake up early every morning for school. Varley wrote this essay his freshman year in college. The writer hopes to convince people that the best choice for high school students is for school to open later. In my opinion, opening school an hour later would not make a difference because students would still be as tired and unfocused.…
Mary A. Carskadon of Brown University, found that more mature adolescents had later circadian rhythm timing, based on melatonin secretions in saliva samples. This finding shows that melatonin secretion occurs at a later time in adolescents as they mature; thus, it is difficult for them to go to sleep earlier at night. The melatonin secretion also turns off later in the morning, which makes it harder to wake up early (Carskadon et al., 1998),” (Backgrounder). Melatonin is a hormone that helps control sleep and wake cycles (Melatonin). So this helps prove that going to bed early is not going to help teenagers not be tired the next day when they have to wake up early for school. There is even research done by Judith Owens proving that starting school later does result in students sleeping more, not just going to bed even later. “After the start time delay, mean school night sleep duration increased by 45 minutes, and average bedtime advanced by 18 minutes (95% confidence interval, 7-29 minutes [t423 = 3.36; P < .001]); the percentage of students getting less than 7 hours of sleep decreased by 79.4%, and those reporting at least 8 hours of sleep increased from 16.4% to 54.7%,”…
Getting up early enables you to enjoy tranquility before other people wake up. If you develop the culture of taking some time to read, think and meditate early in the morning, you will experience change.…
Your eyes open to the bright sun peeking through the blinds, its early morning. You get out of bed and think of the things you must do that day. Who are the people getting up this early, farmers, bakers, doctors, teachers, all those nine to fivers? Well one of those morning people or larkers is not me. I could not tell you the last time I willingly got up in the morning. I have never been a morning person, and most likely will never be. Fadiman says of her husband George, that he is an early bird who believes in seizing the day. He is awake and full of energy. (62) I have a husband just like that, who wakes up naturally in the morning and is ready to go as soon as his eyes open. While he is getting ready to go to work, I have most likely just went to sleep and have not started my first rem cycle yet. Like Fadiman says, “ Dawns are all very well (though I generally see them after staying up all night, when I may be too sleepy to appreciate them), but they can’t hold a candle to a full moon, an aurora borealis, a meteor shower, or a comet.” (64). I can relate to this, as I know the sun is rising as I am writing this right now. I do know that mornings are not that bad; many things are accomplished…
Early birds and night owls have different perceptions in their life attitudes toward their time-spending value, health concepts and everyday habits. They have different viewpoints of how time should be spent. Early birds who strictly follow the cycle of their biological clocks, believe no extravagance in spending time uncontrolledly in night-time entertainment. They obviously observe the rule of the Earth orbit, rising with the sun and resting during the night. For them, time should be treasured, and it can never be wasted in indulgence. However, night owls hold a different perception. They believe that time can never be exhausted especially the night time. They are more active and energetic after the sun is set. For them, indulgence in life is of better value than time itself, which seems endless. Meanwhile, they believe in different health concepts. Early birds favor the principle of healthy habits and a healthy life. They consider the form of “early to bed, early to rise” as a normal and healthy way of living. On the contrary, night owls discard the traditional health concept of obeying the biological clock. They are less concerned about health problems that might be brought up by being a night owl. Consequently, they will always…
Go to bed early, get up early--this is wise. Some authorities say get up with the sun; some say get up with one thing, others with another. But a lark is really the best thing to get up with. It gives you a splendid reputation with everybody to know that you get up with the lark; and if you get the right kind of lark, and work at him right, you can easily train him to get up at half past nine, every time--it’s no trick at all.…
Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy as well as wise. And that is not merely an age-old saying. It works in daily life too. Read on to know how.…
Detail the difference between early birds and night owls. Early birds are more likely to be alert in the morning, and they have a chattily, happy attitude, and are easygoing. According breakfast is important to these early birds. Another difference base on that early birds are more alert and productive, in the morning. They make a good comparison of each person, us you read the first morning people are those who instantly wake up a the first sign of light, it is as if they have an alarm clock in their inner self. Second they think differently; they gather knowledge from concrete information, they are logical and literal. Finally in social behavior morning people are more likely to be self-controlled, upstanding in conduct, and respect authority. On other hand owls body is most active and alert during the evening and night; first reason they don’t like sunrise is unpleasant for them, second evening type have imaginative thinking and they are for open ideas. Night people are independent and non-conforming, and the most noticeable difference is they do not likely to listen to authority.…