The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) (Scottish Executive, 2006) is a flexible framework which is used for planning children’s holistic development and learning. (Education Scotland, 2016). The aim of this report is to define the Early Years Curriculum and how the content, context and process are child centred, developmentally appropriate and inclusive.
The Modern Early Years Curriculum recognises each child as an individual. An individual that grows, develops and learns at their own rate. Also that they have their own individual needs, interests, strengths and abilities. The context, the social and cultural background, from which they have come has armed them with unique experiences, likes and dislikes and expectations (Stephan, L., 2012). The modern curriculum also recognises the importance of play as an important tool in positively promoting and facilitating children’s learning experiences. The curriculum enables child care professionals to conduct individual observations aiding the compilation of assessments and records of each child’s holistic development and learning and plan inclusive age and stage appropriate activities and learning experiences for each child (Scott. F, et al, 2008, 99 – 107). …show more content…
Teachers are there to provide support and facilitate the child’s learning but children are encouraged to choose the direction of their own learning exploring their own age and developmentally appropriate experiences and interests (Hyun. E, 2006, 33 - 52). An age and developmentally appropriate curriculum relies on professionals knowledgeable in the age related characteristics in children’s holistic development and learning, a knowledge of the children’s individual needs, abilities and interests and a knowledge of the cultural and social contexts of their backgrounds. (Scott. F, et al, 2008, 99 –