Earth-Like Planets
T. Nailor
Miller-Motte College Online
Critical Thinking – GS235
Dr. Marshall Lloyd
Earth-Like Planets
Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Better yet, do you believe that there is another planet that looks like earth? As far as I can remember, there has always been the question of “is there life in outer space? I remember being in grade school wondering if there were humans or aliens on other planets and if they were trying to communicate with us. Around January 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded during takeoff in front of the entire world. As a teenager, this event was tragic and amazing at the same time because I felt that we were on our way to discovering new planets, solar systems, and other life forms. This tragic event was the start of my interest in outer space.
Fast forward to 2012, the science community has greatly advanced our technology since the mid-eighties. Today, we have computers in everything, all types of space probes orbiting the universe, and unbelievable amounts of knowledge about outer space and other planets, but yet, and still, no proof of life in outer space. Will we ever know? Will we ever meet aliens? Only time will tell and personally I think we will, soon! After searching for an interesting subject to cover for this paper, I have discovered a very interesting article on the U.S. News website titled “Earth-Like Planet Found in Nearest Star System”. According to the article scientist say they have discovered a planet that looks like earth orbiting a star that bears a resemblance to our sun. The planet is said to be about 25 trillion miles away, making it very difficult for a space probe to reach the planet using current technology. It is estimated to take about 40,000 years to reach this planet, even though it is in the next closest planetary system to ours. “The planet, dubbed Alpha Centauri Bb, orbits a star in the Alpha Centauri system, a clump
References: 1. Cline, S. (2012, October 17). Earth-like planet found in nearest star system. Retrieved from 2. The extrasolar encyclopaedia . (2012, November 8). Retrieved from 3. Khan, A. (2012, November 7). Possible earth-like planet could hold water; scientists cautious. Retrieved from 4. Hall, J. (2012, November 8). Revealed: New earth-like planet that could have a life-supporting climate and water. Retrieved from - (Hall, 2012) 5. Globus, A. (2007, August 2). Space settlement and war. Retrieved from - (Globus, 2007) 6. Poeter, D. (2012, November 17). NASA’s Kepler renews hunt for earth-like planets. Retrieved from,2817,2412264,00.asp - (Poeter, 2012)