The story Caleb's Choice, takes place in northern Texas during the huge slavery issue in 1858, before the Civil War. This historical time in America was an ongoing issue between the northern and southern regions of the United States. The northern states were opposed to slavery while the southern states supported slavery. The main character of the story is Caleb. He is a fourteen year old white boy that lived a rich life, attended a boys academy, and paid no attention to the black boys that were dirty and barefoot hoping to find a dime in the streets.…
WORLD CONNECTION QUESTION: How does the competition between good and evil in East of Eden relate to good and evil in the world we live in today?…
The explanation of just how detached Adam has consistently been over the years of his twins development into young men.…
The Grand Canyon is a beautiful place that is located in Arizona filled with nature and ancient stories. The Grand Canyon is valued for its combination of size, depth, and exposed layers of colorful rocks dating back to Precambrian times. There are a multiple stories of why the Grand Canyon was made. But only one story was correct.…
Although I don’t agree with most forms of censorship, I feel as if it is important in certain situations. For instance, television must be censored because all age groups watch it, and it influences younger children’s behavior because they have seen it on television. Not to mention anyone at any time can watch TV. Whereas censoring books is completely different. The reader has the option to read the book, making the author not reliable. Not just any age group can pick up a book and begin to read the content. But a six-month-old baby can sit in front of a television and be influenced by the action of a criminal. Certain things influence certain age groups and I feel as if books shouldn’t be responsible. You have to actually read a book; you cannot just sit and watch the pages. I feel as if censorship should appeal to only things that require it, and in my opinion, books do not require censorship.…
In the novel Tangerine By Edward Bloor, we read about Paul a twelve-year-old boy who struggles with legal blindness, and he also feels neglected by his parents. Paul realizes that his older brother Erik is a cruel and a twisted child. Paul tries to get his parents to see his point of view, but has trouble getting the message to them. Paul and his brother Erik, though related have many differences, but also a few similarities that make them unique characters of interest in the novel.…
The story of Adam and Eve is one of the most culturally important and known stories in the Bible regarding the origin of mankind. It’s generally followed by Judeo-Christians but is also grasped by other religious views, though many tend to overlook minor key details that may alter the whole interpretation. First, God created a man named Adam to primarily tend to the garden he planted in Eden. There were many trees in the garden that happened to contain two special types of trees. God allowed Adam to eat from any tree he wished, except from one specific tree. Then, God created a woman to accompany Adam who automatically became his wife. The woman came across a serpent she claimed to have deceived her. In actuality, the serpent simply told her a fact that is later proven correct with the help of her temptation. After Adam and the woman both consumed fruit from the forbidden tree, they realized that they were naked and tried to hide from God. God came to find that Adam and the woman ate from the forbidden tree because they suddenly were full of knowledge. God punished the serpent, Adam, and the woman for their disobedience. He then banished them not as another punishment but to help them avoid temptation again. Within the controversial context of the story lie theoretical themes that can be analyzed by existentialism and the Post-Freudian psychoanalytic theory of eros, thanatos, and the Oedipal Conflict. The story can be viewed using the Oedipal Conflict as God plays the role of both the mother and father figure while Adam and Eve play the role of the rebellious children. Along with this conflict, the characters of the story demonstrate existentialism qualities and carry out actions that they are either eros or thanatos.…
This year, the grade 5 and 6 classes performed some of Steven Spielberg’s films: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, ET (The Extraterrestrial), Hook, and Jurassic Park. Like last years play, it was like an interview, and instead of E-Talk, it was based on Inside The Actor’s Studio, where the actors talk about their roles in their movie. Fun from the beginning to the end, these young actors are incredibly talented, and really brought their characters to life.…
Haven’t you always wanted to know exactly how European Americans fought for political liberation ? There are many ways European Americans fought for political liberation, but I’m only going to discuss three. Political Liberation is basically the act of gaining equal rights or full social of economic opportunities for a particular group. Even though most people did not have equal rights and did not choose to do something about it, European Americans actually fought for their liberty. Establishing a new and different type of government for the people involving the Declaration Of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and US Constitution.…
Part two of The Good Endeavor, sheds light as to why humans struggle with work in our day to day lives. Keller explains how it all roots back to the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve eating of the forbidden fruit, in his opinion, was a test. This opportunity to obey God merely because of who God is and what was asked of them was a sure fail. The author expands, saying because of this and every other fall of man "sin leads to disintegration of every area of life..” this would include work. Every person, job and area of life will have its fall. Not one particular part will be perfect. Keller gives an example from the play Amadeus. Mozart and Salieri, both composers but they each had success in their own. Salieri was envious of the kind of success Mozart had because he was no doubt a prodigy. However,…
Within East of Eden and “Notes of a Native Son” by James Baldwin we examine complex family dynamics existent between father and son. In both examples the relationships carry a bitter and heavy weight for the children; for Cal Trask in East of Eden a determination to prove worthiness of his father’s acceptance fuels the story. In contrast “Notes of a Native Son” tells a tale of understanding and acknowledgment.…
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, “Young Goodman Brown” the author retells the Adam and Eve story a twist. The temptation of evil and the search for knowledge are evident in "Young Goodman Brown." However, Hawthorne's biblical references to Adam and Eve, are inverted..…
3. What do we learn about Carton’s childhood? What does Carton blame for his miserable life?…
Cain discerningly invites Abel to go for a walk to the field with him. Abel is oblivious to what horrors are about to transpire. Out of his unwavering jealousy and angst, Cain murders his brother. Suddenly the Lord begins to speak to him, announcing that Cain is now cursed; his crops will no longer grow and is now a recluse. Cain expresses that he cannot bear the punishment and that he would rather be killed in return. God backfires saying that he must endure this guilt for the rest of his life. Cain becomes a wanderer, and winds up “East of Eden”. (Genesis 4:16)…
His mother being a witch does him no favours, but her treatment of Ariel (who we believe to be a "fine apparition" with his beautifully energetic language) certainly reflects badly on Caliban as a blood link, since she imprisoned Ariel in a "cloven pine...(for)...a dozen years". Then there is Caliban's attempt to "violate the honour of" Miranda; and at present not to be filled with guilt at this event but to say…