two bed facility that specializes in children’s needs. It’s mission statement reads, “East Tennessee
Children’s Hospital will improve the health of children through exceptional, comprehensive family-
centered care, wellness, and education.” Their web page does reflect on their mission statement.
A belief that children are unique and that they deserve the best healthcare they can get is
very reassuring to parents in their time of need. Children need specialized care and treatment that
is different than an adult’s treatment. This comes from a staff is knowledgeably trained in Pediatric
Medicine. They …show more content…
The hospital is currently adding on a tower to its facility. The new addition will be named
Scripps Network Tower. This will add two-hundred, forty-five thousand square feet for children with
chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis to get the specialized care they need. There is also a Parent
Advisory Council where parents can have input on policies and procedures. ETCH is committed to
Patient Safety as well and employs Safety Coaches that are trained to prevent any harm.
Overall, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital has provided all information on their site that
is included in their mission statement. ETCH offers exceptional care by providing a vast amount of
Pediatric Specialists at the facility. Family centered care is offered by a highly trained staff who only
want the best for their patients. Wellness and education are provided by staff as well as an
E-newsletter that educates the public. Included on the website is also their Annual Report to
get a background about the hospital and also give some historical information as