Several centuries ago, many Europeans during the eleventh century witnessed one of the biggest controversies that the Church had ever experienced in Church history. This is notoriously known as the East-West Schism, or sometimes known as the Great Schism, which officially occurred in 1054 and led to the complete division of the state church of the Roman Empire with the excommunication of popes and other such problems. Though, this rupture between the Eastern and Western Churches did not happen instantaneously. Tensions developed long before the actual schism occurred. Even prior to Christianity being the official religion of the Roman Empire, tensions between the Eastern and Western sections arose, which essentially caused tensions between the Eastern and Western Churches to rise as well. Many events transpired prior to the Great Schism and after the Great Schism, including the problems that took root preceding the schism, problems that led up to the schism, and problems that were birthed from the schism.
Dissimilarities between the two different Churches long before the actual Great Schism occurred that caused tensions to increasingly erupt. The Eastern Church held onto its Hellenistic traditions and its Greek ideals whereas the Western Church had to face several changes in language choice due to its broad spectrum of diversity within it. The Romans, Irish, English, French, and Germans were main contenders that significantly altered the Western Church because of the diverse cultures spread throughout each nation. Another difference that occurred was each side’s recognition of the status of the pope and the emperor over the entire empire, which took root deep into the minds of the individuals living during the time, later significantly affecting the Eastern Church. These problems about distances and differences of ideas and cultures instigated the split that overcame the Eastern and Western Churches.
With the Roman Empire deteriorating bit