Tera, I would agree with you and disagree with you to a point. You stated that you don’t believe the people of Easter Island understood that they were exploiting and depleting the island’s resources at an unsustainable rate. I would agree that they did not understand or realize they significance of how quickly they were depleting their resources. However, were I disagree is that at some point they had to have realized they were getting down to the bare bones of the tree resource. …show more content…
the time it takes to grow a tree. That equation alone is frightening when I think about the rate in which we build homes, buildings, and much more in the U.S.
Justin, I enjoyed the citation you used about this topic. I also was unfamiliar with story or the background of Easter Island. You make an interesting and valid point. Ignorance is what led the Easter Islanders to the demise of their region. Overuse of the natural habitat, coupled with the issues of attempting to plant seeds for the trees to grow, yet being attacked by rats before the germination process was detrimental. Part of me also thinks about the massive statues they made and the wasted resources it took to move them.