Easter Island is a perfect example of a cultural conflict in a society, mainly because it is the most isolated island and eco system. Therefore, there were no external effect and influence. When the Spaniards came to the island in the 19th century they were surprised that the natives only had small damaged canoes which raised a lot of question about how could they sail with such a technology. Furthermore, the Spaniards did not find any trees to make robe and boat from, they also could not find any no birds and animals in the island. The native told the Spaniards that they did not know their origins and who build the famous status. The Spaniards in their encounter described the natives as Miserable and they were leaving in a poor environment, they also noticed the horrific history of the Island which cannibalism was practiced right before the Spaniards showed up. Fortunately now, due to technological breakthrough in dating and archeology the secret of the Eastern Island was revealed. The archaeological records show that Eastern Island was much different from what the Spaniards had encountered, it was prosper filled with wild life and trees. The first native of the island came over a thousand years ago and their diet consisted mainly on dolphins and fishing. Sadly it took only four hundred years for the native to exploit all the trees to build canoes for fishing. Moreover, they lead all the fish and dolphin on the cost to extinction. After exploiting all of their main source of food they moved their diet to birds until they have killed them all. Lastly, rats became the main diet for the natives. However, such a food source is hard to relay on which lead to cannibalism, wars and dividing the Island into groups. What a hair-raising story, and all of that happened because they did not understand their
Easter Island is a perfect example of a cultural conflict in a society, mainly because it is the most isolated island and eco system. Therefore, there were no external effect and influence. When the Spaniards came to the island in the 19th century they were surprised that the natives only had small damaged canoes which raised a lot of question about how could they sail with such a technology. Furthermore, the Spaniards did not find any trees to make robe and boat from, they also could not find any no birds and animals in the island. The native told the Spaniards that they did not know their origins and who build the famous status. The Spaniards in their encounter described the natives as Miserable and they were leaving in a poor environment, they also noticed the horrific history of the Island which cannibalism was practiced right before the Spaniards showed up. Fortunately now, due to technological breakthrough in dating and archeology the secret of the Eastern Island was revealed. The archaeological records show that Eastern Island was much different from what the Spaniards had encountered, it was prosper filled with wild life and trees. The first native of the island came over a thousand years ago and their diet consisted mainly on dolphins and fishing. Sadly it took only four hundred years for the native to exploit all the trees to build canoes for fishing. Moreover, they lead all the fish and dolphin on the cost to extinction. After exploiting all of their main source of food they moved their diet to birds until they have killed them all. Lastly, rats became the main diet for the natives. However, such a food source is hard to relay on which lead to cannibalism, wars and dividing the Island into groups. What a hair-raising story, and all of that happened because they did not understand their