On the first day of the cruise we will unpack and relax until 7:30P.M. and eat in the Normandie Restaurant. After dinner we will relax on the deck till 11:30P.M. The next day we will go to the pool and swim. At lunch we will have room service then go back to the pool. At dinner we will go to the Mermaids Poolside Grille. After dinner we are all going to the dance club on the cruise. The third day will consist of a Cookie Decorating class and ice cream eating contest. By dinner we will eat at Pizzeria which is located in the Mermaids Poolside Grille. After dinner we will all just relax. On the fourth day we stop in Florida and relax on the beach soaking up the sun. At dinner time we are eating at the sushi bar and going to the butterflies lounge in the cruise after dinner. On the fifth day we stop at the Bahamas and go shopping with our left over money, which would be $350 per person. When we get back on the cruise we will have room service again. By the sixth day we will be watching a Broadway musical and listening to comedians. We will eat Normandie Restaurant again. On the last and final day we will be packing and playing a couple of games on the cruise like battle of the sexes. When dinner comes around we will eat at Your Time Dining. On the eighth day we will be sadly departing at 8:00am.
All of these activities, excluding shopping, will be at no charge because we paid for all of it at the