Informative speech assignment #1
Purpose: To inform my fellow classmates about the seriousness of an eating disorder.
Thesis: To better inform the class about the seriousness of an eating disorder. Ill be discussing what and eating disorder is, why do people develop an eating disorder, and how can an eating disorder be treated.
Attention Getter: There are 8 million Americans with an eating disorder; 7 million of them being woman while 1 million of them are. If you are to look at me now you probably wouldn’t think I fell amongst the 8 million. Growing up I wasn’t the thinnest in my family. In middle school is where I felt the most pressure to lose weight. That’s where I developed bulimia nervosa. Now you may ask yourself what is bulimia nervosa? Better yet, what is an eating disorder? Let me give you an insight into eating disorders.
[Transition: First, I will discuss what an eating disorder is]
I.What is an eating disorder?
A .An eating disorder is when someone portrays abnormal eating patterns that involves insufficient or excessive intake of food. (Medical, 2011)
1.These eating disorders only led to one thing, DEATH.
B.There are three main types of eating disorders.
1.Anorexia nervosa: when people lose more than is considered healthy. They usually have an intense fear of gaining weight. Most of the time people with this disorder are extremely underweight.
2.Bulimia nervosa: when someone portrays behaviors such as self-induced vomiting to compensate for eating large amounts of food (bingeing).
3.Binge-eating disorder: when an individual frequently consumes grotesque amounts of food which is usually done in secret. (Encyclopedia, 2012)
[Transition: Now that you’ve gotten a better understanding on what an eating disorder is, I’ll begin to explain why people develop eating disorders.]
II. Why do people develop an eating disorder?
A.Having a history of boundary violations plays a huge role when an
Cited: What causes eating disorders? (2009). Retrieved Oct 13, 2012, from Encyclopedia, A. M. (2012, Feb 12). Retrieved Oct 13, 2012, from Jeanne Segal, P. a. (2012, Sep.). Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery . Retrieved Oct 13, 2012, from Joanna Poppink, M. (n.d.). Why peole develop eating disorders. Retrieved Oct 13, 2012, from byregion: Medical, N. (2011, Oct 16). Retrieved Oct 13, 2012, from what is an eating disorder? : National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, S. C. (2012, Jul 31). Retrieved Oct. 2012, from Stastistics Brain.