Binge eating: the ingestion of large amounts of food during a short period of time, even after reaching a point of feeling full, and a lack of control over what or how much is eaten. People with the eating disorder bulimia nervosa engage in binge eating.
Bulimia nervosa: an eating disorder involving alternation between the extremes of eating large amounts of food in a short time, and then compensating for the added calories either by vomiting or other extreme actions to avoid gaining weight. In addition to engaging in these behaviors, they base their self-evaluation on how much they weigh and their body’s shape.
Eating disorder: diagnosis for people who experience extreme disturbances in their everyday diet along with possible distress or concern about their body weight.
Impulse-control disorders: psychological disorders in which people repeatedly engage in behaviors that are potentially harmful, feeling unable to stop themselves and experiencing a sense of desperation if their attempts carry out the behaviors are thwarted. Before they act on their impulses, these individuals experience tension and anxiety that they can relieve only by following through on their impulses. After acting on their impulses they experience a sense of pleasure or gratification, although later they may