English 11 Research Essay (Rough Draft)
Eating Disorders are a very harmful thing. An Eating disorder is a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. The main types of eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Binge Eating disorder. There is also another called
Night Eating Syndrome. Eating disorders can cause serious physical problems, and their most severe, can even be lifethreatening. Eating disorders are more common for women, but males can have an eating disorder as well. An exception is BingeEating disorder, which appears to affect almost as many males as females. Do you think eating disorders should be taught in school? In the United States, about 20 million women and about 10 million men suffer from …show more content…
significant eating disorders at some point in their life, including Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia,
Binge eating or a disorder that has not been specified.
(Wade, 2011). Almost 50% of people that have eating disorders meet the criteria for depression. Only 1 and 10 men and women with an eating disorder receive treatment. Only 35% of people receive treatment for eating disorders and they get treatment at a specialized facility for eating disorders. Up to 24 million people of all genders and ages suffer from eating disorders in the United States.
Women are more likely than men to develop an eating disorder. Only an estimated 5 to
15% of people with Anorexia or Bulimia are male. Men are less likely to seek treatment for an eating disorder because they are “womens” diseases. Among gay men, nearly 14% appeared to suffer from Bulimia and over 20% appeared to be Anorexic. Around 20% of people suffering from Anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems.
Anorexia Nervosa is the fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. Bulimia Nervosa is the act of purging, or vomiting. Binge Eating is eating until comfortably full in one sitting. Night
Eating Syndrome is not the same as Binge Eating disorder, individuals with night …show more content…
eating syndrome are often binge eaters. Individuals with bingeeating disorder eat larger amounts of food at different times of the day, and Night eating syndrome eat the majority of their food at night. Eating Disorders can be genetic or caused by psychological issues. Each type of eating disorder has many possible causes. Anorexia nervosa is the 3rd most common illness among adolescents. Some psychological factors that may contribute to eating disorder may be, Low selfesteem, lack of control on life, depression, anger, anxiety, and stress. Interpersonal factors are, troubled personal relationships, difficulty expressing emotions and feelings, history of being teased about weight, and history of physical or sexual abuse. Social factors that can also contribute to eating disorders are, stress related to racial, ethnic, size/weightrelated or other forms of discrimination. Some signs and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa are skipping meals, always has an excuse to not eat, loses hair, looks pale, or malnourished, and wears baggy clothes to hide thinness. Some signs and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa is, they always have an excuse not to eat, they’ll either skip meals, or take tiny portions. Also will not eat in front of others, has trouble talking about their feelings, and are easily angered. Some signs and symptoms of Bulimia
Nervosa is, bingeing, using laxatives, diet pills, water pills, or “natural” products to promote weight. They also might abuse alcohol or street drugs to deaden appetite or escape emotional pain. “If you’re going through a dark period, go to your family and closest friends. Don’t put yourself in danger. It’s very crucial that you get your feelings out but don’t ever inflict harm on your own body because your body is so scared. I wish I could tell every young girl with an eating disorder or who has harmed herself in anyway, that she’s worthy of life and that her life has meaning. You can overcome and get through anything.” This quote was said by Demi Lovoto.
She revealed to everyone that she suffers from an eating disorder and also self harms. “Strive for progress, not perfection.” “Anorexia is an awful thing, you get yourself into it and only you can get yourself out of it.” This quote was said by Celia Imrie.
There are several ways to prevent Eating disorders. One way is, avoid the conveying an attitude that says, “I will like you more if you lose weight, don’t eat so much, or change your body shape.” Another way to prevent an eating disorder is, living a healthy life because iit can inspire others. Focusing on health and wellbeing, no matter what size you are, and knowing the risk factors for problems with food and weight. Other ways to prevent eating disorders are, using language and ideas that are right for the person’s age. Take into account all the social and cultural messages people get, and the last one is talk to both sexes about eating disorders and unhealthy attitudes and activities.
Eating disorders can harm your body in so many ways. You can have problems such as.
Lanugo, Edema, Muscle Atrophy, Esophagael Reflux, Low blood pressure, Insomnia, swelling, callused or bruised fingers, dry skin and hair, brittle hair, and nails, and hair loss. Another thing that can harm you is throat cancer.
You can get that due to the acid reflux disorders.
Eating disorders are caused by a complex combination of factors, including genetic, biochemical, psychological , cultural, and environmental. Eating disorders are rarely about food
and wanting to be thin. Instead, sufferers use food and unhealthy dieting, starving, bingeing, and purging, to cope with unpleasant, and overwhelming emotions and stressful situations. Eating disorders are illnesses not character flaws or choices. Individuals don’t choose to have an eating disorder. Individuals with eating disorders may have abnormal levels of certain chemicals that regulate such processes as appetite, mood, sleep, and stress.
All schools should teach eating disorders because then once kids know what they actually do to your body, and how terrible they are, maybe they won’t do it. Kids should get taught about them in 6th grade instead of high school because by time they get into Middle school and High school they may have already developed some sort of eating disorder. Some things that may get kids to understand more about them would to have survivors of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge eaters come in and speak to them about how awful they are, and how bad they can harm
your body. Schools should also provide some sort of counselling for kids/teenagers with Eating disorders, but it shouldn’t just be a normal school counselor or a school nurse, it should be a professional that has studied Eating Disorders in College.
There are several positive effects that Eating disorders should be taught in school. The reason to teach about them is so kids know what they can do and how dangerous they are. A positive effect is, children and/or teenagers will know the dangers of Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge
Eating, and any other type of eating disorders there are.