Vera Simovska - Jarevska*, **, Sasko Martinovski**, Dragan Damjanovski**, Valentina Pavlova**, Daniela Nikolovska-Nedelkoska**, Gjorgji Manceski ***
*Public Health Institutions-Skopje, Institute of Sports Medicine, Nutrition Research Department, Krste Miairkov bb, Skopje 1000, Republic of Macedonia; e-mail: ; Phone:+38978510780; Fax:+38923239670. **University of Bitola “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Technological and Technical Sciences–Veles, Petre Prlicko 14, Veles 43000, Republic of Macedonia; e-mail: . ***University of Bitola “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Economy, 4800 Prilep, Djordje Petrov bb, Republic of Macedonia; e-mail:
Research evidence on health determinants have led to develop a national program for NCDs prevention. Numerous studies have confirmed the role of nutrition and physical activity in preventing main NCDs: CVD, T2DM, cancer and chronic respiratory disease. The aim of the study was to analyze and evaluate the results obtained from the new “cross-sectional” study for eating habits and physical activity levels monitoring related to socioeconomic status of the participants in 2012. The study was conducted in five regions in Republic of Macedonia, including 1600 respondents aged 10 to 64 years. Monitoring was conducted using self-designed questionnaire. Eating habits were surveyed using questionnaires to monitor the frequency of consumption of main food groups during the week (FFQ). Leisure time physical activity (LTPA) was a priority measure in the study. Also, in the study was applied a model for strategic planning in NCD prevention, based on the results of health behaviour survey and analysed using software
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