At home, at work or at school, in a restaurant or in a fast-food take out. Batangueños can choose from an ever-increasing variety of foods. Grocery stores offer an abundance of imported products, along with frozen meals that can be ready in minutes to satisfy the needs of time-crunched households. Fresh fruits and vegetables once considered exotic are now available throughout the year. In the midst of this array of choices comes the question of what Batangueños eat. Batangueños tend to make their own food choices based on cost of food and availability of fast food. They lack knowledge of healthy food choices that may affect eating habits and nutritional status negatively. Even environmental factors also contribute to adoption of unhealthy eating habits among Batangueños. The mushrooming of shopping malls, convenience stores, vending machines and fast food outlets has created an alarming situation for people to practice unhealthy eating habits. As Batangueños basis for food is availability, their overlook the importance of good eating habits. Thus poor eating habits are a major public health concern among Batangueños. This prompts the researchers to determine how and what Batangueños consume and what factors affect their eating styles.
1. What are the demographic profiles of Batangueños as respondents?
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Type of Employment
d. Religion
e. Civil Status
f. Income
2. What do Batangueños eat in terms of:
2.1 Pork
2.2 Vegetables
2.3 Pastries
2.4 Beef
2.5 Chicken
2.6 Fish
2.7 Fast-food items
3. How do Batangueños eat?
4. What is the significant relationship between the respondents’ profile and the food they consume?
5. What is the significant relationship between respondents’ profile and their eating styles?
SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY This study can be a learning paradigm for Batangueños to enhance their knowledge about eating habits. This