Case Study: eBay thrives in the global marketplace
I recommend students researching eBay checkout the latest eBay statistics and business strategies from their SEC filings. The annual filings give a great summary of eBay business and revenue models. Alternatively filings are included in the eBay press releases which also have info on new company acquisitions.
SEC is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which is a government agency for which companies have to submit an open evaluation of their business models and marketplace conditions.
eBay also have a summary of their overall scale and range of categories they operate in on their UK company overview page
Information on the .com site shows the companies they have acquired and the countries they operate in.
Latest eBay business model news
March 2009 eBay 3 year model for growth
eBay Neighbourhoods
eBay has introduced Neighbourhoods where groups can discuss brands and products they have a high involvement with. Read more about eBay Neighbourhoods in this Wired Magazine article
Skype 'write-off'
Although PayPal appears a sound acquisition that fits the eBay business model, this has not proved th e case with Skype. Here theTimes reports that alhough EBay bought Skype in 2005 for $2.6 billion it recently warned shareholders that it would have to take an impairment charge of $900 million (£450 million) because it had valued the group too highly two years ago.
Case study Context
It¶s hard to believe that one of the most celebrated dot -coms has now celebrated its tenth birthday. Pierre Omidyar, a 28 year old French-born software engineer living in California coded the site while working for another company, eventually launching the site for business on Monday, 4 September, 1995 with the more direct name