One outbreak was in Sudan and the other in Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1976. E.Sudan heavily affected ‘the towns of Nzara and Maridi’ (Pourrut, X et al. 2005 p.1006). Over the period of 4 months, 150 people died out of the 284 people infected bringing the mortality rate to 53%. The E.Zaire outbreak was much more severe. It hugely effect individuals in Yambuku as well as villages that lived off the river, Ebola. E.Zaire claimed 284 people lives out of the 318 infected from August to November, 1976. This high mortality rate of 89% aroused fear in the people of infected areas. Between 1994 - 1997, Ebola re-emerged with ‘a new subtype, E. Ivory Coast…’ (Pourrut, X et al. 2005 p.1006). Over three years, 455 cases of E. Ivory Coast were presented and amongst them 351 deaths (mortality rate 77%). Today there are 5 different strains of Ebola including; E.Zaire, E.Sudan, E. Taï Forest (previously known are E.Ivory Coast), Bundibugyo virus and E.Reston. (Pourrut, X et al. 2005
One outbreak was in Sudan and the other in Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1976. E.Sudan heavily affected ‘the towns of Nzara and Maridi’ (Pourrut, X et al. 2005 p.1006). Over the period of 4 months, 150 people died out of the 284 people infected bringing the mortality rate to 53%. The E.Zaire outbreak was much more severe. It hugely effect individuals in Yambuku as well as villages that lived off the river, Ebola. E.Zaire claimed 284 people lives out of the 318 infected from August to November, 1976. This high mortality rate of 89% aroused fear in the people of infected areas. Between 1994 - 1997, Ebola re-emerged with ‘a new subtype, E. Ivory Coast…’ (Pourrut, X et al. 2005 p.1006). Over three years, 455 cases of E. Ivory Coast were presented and amongst them 351 deaths (mortality rate 77%). Today there are 5 different strains of Ebola including; E.Zaire, E.Sudan, E. Taï Forest (previously known are E.Ivory Coast), Bundibugyo virus and E.Reston. (Pourrut, X et al. 2005