The pigments that give the skin a wide variety of colors are melanin and carotene…
Phase implementation on the clinical side of the enterprise. Implementing first within hospital and then moving to external clinics (where paper records were still in use) would allow for the least disruption. The phased implementation allows for tinkering of the product to meet unforeseen needs and will improve buy-in from the powerful hospital staff groups, notably physicians in key clinical areas. Obtaining buy-in is a huge issue with physicians who tend to have a culture of slow adoption and resistance to change. In addition the hospital physicians also had some resentment around the previous implementation of CPOE (which did not go well) so developing early buy-in through the MIDWIG group would aid in successful implementation. In addition, phased implementation allows customization and works well in a decentralized system, allowing individual testing of sub-units before integrating the whole system.…
A list of the steps taken by nursing to develop and implement an EBP. 1. formulation of a clinical question; 2. gathering the best evidence to answer the clinical question;3. critical appraisal of the best evidence;4. integration of the evidence with the clinician 's own expertise, assessment of the patient 's condition, available healthcare resources, and the patient 's preferences and values to implement a clinical decision; and 5. evaluation of the practice change as a result of implementing the…
Leukemia is a neoplastic disease that involves the bloodforming tissues of the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. In…
However, in order for the changes to be successful, there are things that must occur. Prior to the changes taking place, the implementation team must consider the benefits to the patients, staff and organization. When these things are not considered, there will be a tendency for failure will occur. It is the responsibility of the leadership and implementation team to the best of their ability to ensure that the system will meet the needs of all involved with the…
Hi Craig, this nursing change intervention is great. It is always the best way to prevent, it's cheaper. Prevention is the best treatment. The nursing theory sounds like it supports your nursing change intervention well. Giving each patient the best and safest care is our number one goal as a nurse on the floor as they rely their health to us. A good nurse will contribute to the success and stability of healthcare institutions and to the mental and physical wellbeing of their…
Recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine that Advanced Nurse Practitioners provide cost efficient treatment and as competent as physicians. However, physicians and Advanced Nurse Practitioners have different roles but complement each other in patient quality care. Advanced Nurse Practitioners role in the 1960s and 1970s due to a shortage of primary care physicians in underserved areas, especially rural areas. I just don’t understand how come now it is a problem for Advanced Nurse Practitioners to practice as independent. Ken Miller, the AANP Co-president stated that 70% of patients are supportive of NPs to have more responsibilities in a statement she made last…
I think it is awesome that you are using the information you learned in the class to teach others. It's important to spread your knowledge and open up those opportunities for others to become better within their careers. Staff that is more knowledgeable and understandable of the importance of EBP, will lead to better patient outcomes. I like that we now know how and where to research new protocols being implemented so that we can educate ourselves on the importance of these changes. When changes are put into practice, we are not always told why. By simply educating the staff and anticipating resistance to change, current evidence based practice is easier to…
Early in my career, our firm was faced with a challenge about the way we were operating our department due to new Medicare Therapy Cap regulations (the trigger event). The initial plan failed as I did not implement the proper sequence of tools and tasks that is associated with the change implementation model, which has 4 steps that should flow seamlessly in the following order: redesign, help, people change, and system and structure (Spector, 2013, p. 41). In my particular case, I stared with step 2 helping, by attempting to drive change with training. My mindset was to empower the employees with knowledge so that they would poses a good understanding of what the regulatory changes were, and how we were going to overcome the change requirement.…
The purpose of this assignment is to explore the problem solving process by the four stages of APIE, and explaining their importance to nursing. Also finding out the possible problems that may occur within these stages, in relation to the video clips of Joe. Each part of the APIE process will be analysed and explore theories that might explain the behaviours of Joe and the health care professionals.…
All in all, the recommendations are conducting readiness assessment, providing staff training and coaching, conducting ongoing evaluation and giving feedback can promote applying EBP. Improvements in communication, collaboration, and compromise are also the key factors to help nurses in promoting EBP. However, it is still hard to achieve the transferring of research into practice because of the significant problems in the healthcare system at this moment such as the nursing turnover and nursing shortage that are affecting the time-management of staff nurses greatly. Overall, the results of this paper support the needs for changes that should be made at multiple levels of the healthcare organizations to overcome the challenges of this issue.…
There is this bright determined girl who is very motivated, ambitious and has the key to success. This girl is pure African, a true Muslim who was raised in a highly respectable way. She has bright eyes to determine who she truly wants to be. A vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change my life and my life changes others. I have a dream that truly discovers who I am but others cant determine who I want to be in the future. Who can this girl be ? Well her name is Hawa Kante, the one who could brighten your eyes and make her future a better dream.…
I agree with your statement that EBP will be a major driving factor in our advance practice careers. Evaluating our practices constantly and adopting EBP recommendations and interventions, as new evidence becomes available, should become the norm in our future practice. I just hope that I will have the time and the skills to search and appraise the emerging evidence, early in my career. As a new NP, I worry that my limited experience in research translation, will inhibit my positive attitude toward…
EBP has turned into the overwhelming model of care that has picked up the acknowledgment for encouraging the exchange of research proof into clinical practice. Utilizing EBP implies coordinating the best accessible data with clinical skill and patient qualities to accomplish ideal wellbeing results.…
The change process is as follows: assess, plan, implement, and evaluate (Sullivan, 2013). The difference found in the nursing process is the diagnosis step which becomes after assessment and before planning. Since the two processes are so similar it should be easy for us as nursing students to remember the change process and understand why the order of the steps is vital to our success during our careers. Change is inevitable in our profession, so it is important to know what type of change is occurring as well. Our group concluded that the empirical-rational model of change strategies best fits the information from the case study. Change occurred in the VA hospital because influence moved from the people who knew to those who did not know. This kind of influence is indicative of the empirical-rational model of change (Sullivan, 2013). Examples of this model include initiating technology that has been researched—the bar coding and electronic medication systems—which end up improving the quality of care (Sullivan,…