As observed by the group in a normal diode circuit placed in a forward bias generates a sinusoidal output wave. In order to trim the output waves, that are a sinusoidal wave, to be generated, a clipper circuit was made with the use of diodes. The limiting level of a clipper circuit is the barrier potential of the diode in use.
A diode clipper that trims down the positive half cycle input of a wave signal is as positive limiter. The output signal will retain the original output of a negative half cycle while the output signal of the positive half cycle is trimmed up to the barrier potential of the diode. While a negative limiter is similar to the positive limiter but instead it limits the negative half cycle to the negative barrier potential voltage. A limiter circuit uses two diodes in generating the clipped waveform. The diodes are then placed in parallel connection with one another. It is in a certain orientation wherein one diode has the anode facing up while the other anode is facing down. Because of this said orientation, the two diodes won’t be switched on at the same time.
A clipper diode works in a way that when the positive half wave enters, the first diode is in forward bias, when the negative half wave enters, the first diode is opened and the voltage enters the next bias. The terminal voltage is then based on the parallel diode. Comparing the output and input graphs simulated by
LTSpice, there were differences on the peak-to-peak voltages. As the voltage peak to peak is increased, the clipped voltages were also in a higher position in the graph.
The simulation and oscilloscope readings matched the expected result. Conclusion
In conclusion, diodes are of important use with different electronic circuits. There are also different types of circuits where diodes are used. Diodes are useful in different electronic circuits. A type of circuit where at least two diodes are involved is called the Diode Limiter Circuit. A limiter