Meaning of Economic Environment:- Those Economic factors which have their affect on the working of the business is known as economic environment. It includes system, policies and nature of an economy, trade cycles, economic resources, level of income, distribution of income and wealth etc. Economic environment is very dynamic and complex in nature. It does not remain the same. It keeps on changing from time to time with the changes in an economy like change in Govt. policies, political situations.
Elements of Economic Environment:- It has mainly five main components:-
1. Economic Conditions
2. Economic System
3. Economic Policies
4. International Economic Environment
5. Economic Legislations
Economic Conditions:- Economic Policies of a business unit are largely affected by the economic conditions of an economy. Any improvement in the economic conditions such as standard of living, purchasing power of public, demand and supply, distribution of income etc. largely affects the size of the market.
Business cycle is another economic condition that is very important for a business unit. Business Cycle has 5 different stages viz. (i) Prosperity, (ii) Boom, (iii) Decline, (iv) Depression, (v) Recovery.
Following are mainly included in Economic Conditions of a country:-
I. Stages of Business Cycle
II. National Income, Per Capita Income and Distribution of Income
III. Rate of Capital Formation
IV. Demand and Supply Trends
V. Inflation Rate in the Economy
VI. Industrial Growth Rate, Exports Growth Rate
VII. Interest Rate prevailing in the Economy
VIII. Trends in Industrial Sickness
IX. Efficiency of Public and Private Sectors
X. Growth of Primary and Secondary Capital Markets
XI. Size of Market
Economic Systems:- An Economic System of a nation or a country may be defined as a framework of rules, goals and incentives that controls economic relations among people in a society. It also helps in providing framework for answering the