If the budget deficit is increased due to spending or investments that will stimulate the economy the reason is positive. However, it appears that the government has a history of investing in spending or tax changes that have a negative economic return. Kimberly Amadeo, author of an article published online for US Economy About.com states that there are four factors that directly contribute to the high deficit and only two of those are related to the recession. The first factor was the launch of the economic stimulus package created by President Obama. The stimulus package provided “free” money to families, reduced taxes, and extended the unemployment benefits. The second reason was influenced by the recession and was due to a decrease in tax revenue. This is the money the government makes from taxes. The
References: Amadeo, Kimbery. (2012) U.S. Federal Deficit. US Economy About.com. Retrieved from http://useconomy.about.com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/deficit.htm Case K., Fair R., & Oster S. (2009) Principles of Macroeconomics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Pettinger, Teivan. (2010). Monetary Policy vs. Fiscal Policy. Retrieved from http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/2253/economics/monetary-policy-vs-fiscal-policy/