Spring 2013
Instructor: Dr. D. Fletcher
Office: 3015 Farmer School of Business
Office Hours: Mondays, 2:15 - 3:15 p.m. Tuesdays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m. and by appointment
E-mail: fletchd@muohio.edu
Course Objectives: Welcome to ECO 311! The purpose of this course is to give students exposure to and experience with economic data and methods of empirical analysis. Students will be required to read and analyze several empirical journal articles; gather and analyze data in assignments; and develop and test their own economic models in a final small-group project.
Required readings and other materials: Introductory Econometrics, by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (4th edition). Please note: I do not recommend that students purchase international editions or earlier editions of the textbook. Some of the material differs in these editions, including some of the end-of-chapter problems. If you have purchased an international edition or an edition earlier than the 4th, you will need to check with your classmates that you are doing the correct questions for your homework assignments. We will also analyze several scholarly articles in class. These articles can be accessed through Niihka.
Students will perform their own empirical analyses for the assignments and research project. We will use a dedicated statistical program called Stata, which is used by many professional economists. The School of Business has 50 site licenses for Stata, so you will have access to it in the classroom and computer labs, as well as remotely.[1] We will devote some class time to learning Stata basics.
Grading: Grades in this course will be based on a 600-point scale. The points assigned to the various components are shown here. Each component will be described in more detail below.
|Midterm 1 |100 points |
|Midterm 2