The World Wildlife Fund is a nature conservation organization that began in 1961. Their mission is “to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature”. Their website provides a host of information ranging from habitats to endangered species and the threats that occur. Under the about us section, there are 40 of their employed experts listed. Each individual has a link that provides information about them including their education and experience. The World Wildlife Fund website will be beneficial to this research because it supplies so much information to give a base knowledge of different habitats and the animals within it and also how both are endangered.
The Sierra …show more content…
The author discusses the benefits the wolves have on the habitat and the other animals in Yellowstone. The wolves are the natural predator in the Yellowstone habitat and thus are a keystone species. Once it was decided to remove the wolves from the park, the habitat and the other animals began to suffer. Once the wolves were completely gone, the coyote became the predator, but they weren’t large enough to take down the bigger animals such as elk and deer. These animals are grazers and once they didn’t have to worry about a predator, they overgrazed the land, which inhibits the growth of trees and other plants. This suppression affects beavers and birds as well as other animals. Scavengers in Yellowstone are also dependant on wolves because they feed on the wolves’ kills and without them they …show more content…
and Fahrig, L. (2005). Habitat loss decreases predator-prey ratios in a pine-bark beetle system. Oikos, 110(2): 265-270. Retrieved from
“Habitat loss decreases predator-prey ratios in a pine-bark beetle system” is a scientific article written about research conducted by Ryall and Fahrig. In the article, the authors include an introduction, methods, conclusions, and a discussion. In the introduction, they quote other authors about deforestation and how it truly impacts species. They then told us their two predictions for the outcome of the research. In the conclusion they tell the reader that both of their predictions were supported. The two authors of the article are credible because they have degrees in the ecology field. They also list other sources that have high credibility because they have degrees as well and have a career in these types of studies. This article will be helpful in the research because it’s a detailed example of how habitat loss decreases predator prey ratios.
Gerber, B. and DiCaprio, L. (producers), & Conners, L. and Conners, N.