The purpose of this lab is to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. You will learn how your everyday choices contribute to the human impacts on our environment you’ve been learning about. Most importantly, you will learn about benefits that you can achieve by joining the increasing number of people who are making choices that reduce their environmental impact.
The objectives of this lab are to: • Identify the products and practices that contribute most to your environmental footprint • Identify solutions for each of these products and practices and estimate your savings of BOTH carbon emissions and money. • Consider the multiple benefits (e.g., environmental, economic, health, etc) that humanity can achieve by reducing our individual and collective environmental impacts.
1. Find out your ecological footprint: a. Visit the Global Footprint Network web site. Use the footprint calculator to measure your ecological footprint and learn “how many earths” it takes to support your lifestyle. Be sure to choose the “detailed response” option for each question. b. Answer each question in the quiz honestly and record your answers in the following categories: …show more content…
All economic systems are ultimately based on resources and their distribution. Because of this, the environment always has a direct impact on the economy. From the weather and it's effect on crops, to the availability of natural resources, the economy is fueled in one way or another by the