Course Description This course provides a rigorous introduction to price-theoretic analysis of individual and market behavior. Economics 201 will present only the most basic concepts and techniques of analysis. Although simple, these concepts and techniques will enable you to think about almost any aspect of human behavior in a more productive, creative, and independent way. The course requires competency in basic algebra and geometry, as well as some prior instruction in calculus and a willingness (eagerness, I hope) to develop additional mathematical skills as the semester progresses. Economics 201 will not emphasize the use of mathematics purely for its own sake. Nevertheless, because mathematical analysis is so often essential to the development and verification of economic hypotheses, you should expect to see a considerable amount of math in this course. If you are not comfortable with basic algebra or geometry, if you are not eager to extend your abilities in mathematical modeling, or if you are seeking only a general overview of economists’ views on various topics, this section of ECON 201 may not be the best match for your interests. If you want rigorous (if basic) economic analysis to become a natural part of your own thought process and expect this course to be your first step rather than your last along this path, then I believe this section will be a good match for you.
Organization In addition to my class lectures, my teaching assistants will offer review sessions each week to discuss current course material and assigned problems (or anything else you’d like). Attendance at these review sessions is optional but highly recommended. Regular attendance at lectures is a requirement for this course. If you must miss a lecture, please try to let me know in advance.
Requirements and Grading Your course grade will depend on two topical