Course Outline Semester 2, 2013 Part A: Course-Specific Information
Students are also expected to have read and be familiar with Part B Supplement to All Course Outlines. This contains Policies on Student Responsibilities and Support, Including Special Consideration, Plagiarism and Key Dates. It also contains the ASB PROGRAM LEARNING GOALS.
Table of Contents
1 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 1.1 Communications with staff 1.2 Exam Study Period Pitstop 2 COURSE DETAILS 2.1 Teaching Times and Locations 2.2 Units of Credit 2.3 Summary of Course 2.4 Aims and Relationship to Other Courses 2.5 Student Learning Outcomes 3 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 4 ASSESSMENT 4.1 Formal Requirements 4.2 Assessment Details 4.3 Tutorial Participation 4.4 Hand in Tutorial Questions 4.5 Chart Book Submission 4.6 In-Tutorial Test 4.7 Final exam 4.8 Quality Assurance 5 6 7 COURSE EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT COURSE RESOURCES COURSE SCHEDULE
6.1 Course website 7.1 Lecture Schedule 7.2 Tutorial Schedule
Lecturer-in-charge Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho Room: 439, Australian School of Business Building (ASB) Phone No: 9385 3287 Email: Consultation Times: Monday 10-11:30am, Wednesday 10-11:30am. Lecturers - Stephen Kirchner Room: 430A, ASB Phone No: 9385 3354 Email: Consultation Times: TBA Louise Zieme Room: 465, ASB Phone No: 9385 3313 Email: Consultation Times: TBA
Course Administrator Spiro Vlachos Room 463, ASB Phone No: 9385 3565 Email: Consultation Times: TBA Economics Administrative Assistant Trish Giuffre Room 429, ASB Phone No: 9385 7414 Email: A full list of tutors will be posted on Course Website – Staff Contacts.
Communications with staff