Amy Camp
GOVT 200-D17
December 08, 2014
The Federal Reserve is the central banking system of the United States. It was created in December 1913. The Reserve is government licensed and privately owned; also it is not accountable to anyone. It was created by Congress and signed in by President Woodrow Wilson. The U. S. Congress established three key objectives: Maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. Today its duties have expanded well beyond those things (Bullamore). The Bible explains the role of government, and also was built by our founding fathers on biblical principles. Laws should be based on God’s laws. The Bible urges us to pray, petition, and thanksgiving be made for all those in authority. In a biblical worldview the government should promote an environment that provides the work of God. He created humanity, which includes the government, and everyone should know Him. A government based on God would allow this and encourage this. “The Federal Reserve is directly responsible for the Great Depression, as is government for overstepping its boundaries. Healthy competition is vital for economic stability and growth, while inflation and government policy prevents people from being able to do what it takes to survive” (Joachim). It is easy to mistakenly believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the government. They print money and loan it to the government and charge interest on it. Americans have suffered from this and have been victimized by the policies. The bible gives a great example of the relationship between the United States and the Federal Reserve in Proverbs 22:7 “the rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” We are slave to the government which is slave to the banks who own and run the Federal Reserve. The Bible teaches us that the borrower will always be in slaved by the lender, and it is something we should avoid, but America did not listen. The United States is stuck in a never ending debt. In conclusion the Federal Reserve controls the nations monetary system, which is has no one to be accountable to. It takes advantage of the government, and is designed to keep America in debt, all to keep making the banks wealthier.
Bullamore, D. R. “Federal Reserve System” Wikipedia Web. 07 Dec. 2014
Joachim, M. J. July 9, 2009, Federal Reserve Bank Inflation Recession Economic Supply and Demand Great Depression.
References: Bullamore, D. R. “Federal Reserve System” Wikipedia Web. 07 Dec. 2014 Joachim, M. J. July 9, 2009, Federal Reserve Bank Inflation Recession Economic Supply and Demand Great Depression.