Anil K. Lal* and Ronald W. Clement**
The Indian economy provides a revealing contrast between how individuals react under a government-controlled environment and how they respond to a market-based environment. Evidence suggests that recent market reforms that encouraged individual enterprise have led to higher economic growth in that country. India can generate additional economic growth by fostering entrepreneurial activity within its borders. To pursue further the entrepreneurial approach to economic growth, India must now provide opportunities for (1) education directed specifically at entrepreneurial skills, (2) financing of entrepreneurial efforts, and (3) networking among potential entrepreneurs and their experienced counterparts. Further, although the Indian government should establish policies supportive of entrepreneurial efforts, its role overall should be minimized so that the influence of the free market and individual self-interest can be fully realized.
Economic development, achieved largely through productivity growth, is very important to both developed and developing nations. However, even though we know that higher productivity leads to improved economic outcomes (for example, higher income, more choices to the consumers, better quality products, etc.), there has been no consensus among researchers about either the desired path of development or the role of state in economic development. Concerning the path of development, Lall (2001) says that the appropriate strategy for any country depends not only on its objective economic situation but also on its government policies and national views regarding the appropriate role of the state.
* **
Associate Professor of Economics, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, U.S.A. Professor of Management, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, U.S.A.
Asia-Pacific Development Journal
Vol. 12,
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