1. Strategic Priority 1: Economic Growth and Job Creation.
2. Strategic Priority 2: Massive programme to build economic and social infrastructure.
3. Strategic Priority 3: Rural Development
4. Strategic Priority 4: Education
5. Strategic Priority 5: Health
Question Number 2 * Priority 1- Factors beyond the control of policy-makers and stakeholders in South Africa have a big impact on the environment for growth and job creation, and it is difficult to measure achievements by outcomes only. Vulnerability to a weak and volatile global economy remains a significant challenge to job creation, although the recent depreciation of the rand may have helped to protect some jobs in export sectors.
* Priority 2- Only 68% of money intended for large infrastructure projects had been spent in the last financial year. This amounts to R178-billion of the allocated R260-billion. Municipalities especially have battled to attract managers with the right skills as well as the requisite technical experts to run the projects.
* Priority 3- The department has implemented the CRDP in 21 sites throughout South Africa and aims to roll this out to 160 sites by 2014. Lessons learnt from these CRDP sites indicate that the challenges in rural areas include: * underutilisation and/or unsustainable use of natural resources * poor or lack of access to socio-economic and cultural infrastructure and services, public amenities and facilities and government services * lack of access to clean water or lack of water resources for both household and agricultural development * low literacy, skills levels and migratory labour practices * decay of the social fabric * unexploited opportunities in agriculture, tourism, mining and manufacturing. * Priority 4- Nearly 70% of all South Africans are under the age of 35. Government, through the Department of Higher Education and Training, developed a strategy to increase the ratio of young people that