“The control environment sets the tone of an organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control, providing discipline and structure.”1 In Wallstreet Suite the control environment is built into the system from the outset. Changes in the system are logged and an audit trail exists for all entries. There are flexible and configurable rules enabling you to configure, manage and control virtually any process and change within the system. riSk ASSESSmENT
“Risk assessment is the identification and analysis of relevant risks to achievement of the objectives, forming a basis for determining how the risks should be managed.”1
By using Wallstreet Suite’s valuation engine, you can measure the risks that your financial positions carry, as well as seeing the risk in real-time in Treasury Monitor. This gives you the choice of more than 300 risk figures in real time. The real-time engine is especially important in the financial market where volatility is high and prices change by the second.
Wallstreet Suite lets you evaluate the common instruments as well as taking advantage of our complete rate of instruments to accurately measure the risk of all products including structured products and complex derivatives. Furthermore, Wallstreet Suite lets you stress test positions by changing the market prices and allowing you to observe the effect on the positions. This enables you to test all of your worst-case scenarios. Wallstreet Suite also calculates Value-at-Risk in real-time allowing you to see your Value-at-Risk change when market rates change, and when you add new transactions to the position. 1. Extracted from “internal Control – integrated framework, Executive Summary” from