With the growing and rising economies, located in the southern hemisphere Australia and China are home to billions of citizens. Australia is known to be the sixth largest nation in the world and the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. On the other hand, China holds 20% of the world’s population, and populates the most people in the world. When comparing the growing economies of Australia and China, there are many aspects to consider including; economic growth, employment and unemployment, quality of life, environmental quality, and the role of the government in health care, education and welfare payments in which needs to be taken into consideration. There are many similarities between Australia …show more content…
It impacts economic decision making, whether development is compatible with the country’s natural environment. There are many environmental issues that face both Australia and China. However these differ in how much they affect the country in accordance to its size and population. Global warming and climate change are both big issues facing Australia and china in environment quality. Australia’s environment is seen to be poor as an industrialised country. With china’s manufacturing industry ever increasing due to their demand in exports, therefore increasing the burning of fossil fuels for the production of electricity, especially as it holds a large population. As China and Australia are known as industrial countries, they both face the issues of industrial pollution. China being a more industrialized country, more carbon dioxide emissions are produced as a result of mass production. Pollution or Carbon dioxide emissions can be measured by tonnes per capita. However this can be an inaccurate measure as larger countries such as china with a larger population can have more pollution, which is divided amongst a larger population. This can be seen in figure 1.6 below. Recent studies have shown water pollution and air temperature show decreasing