Unlike net present value (NPV) calculations, EVA™ can be used as an effective performance measure because of its ability to measure results periodically. Proponents of EVA™ assert that its use provides a superior measure of the year‑to‑year value that the business creates. Moreover, because EVA measures performance in terms of ‘value’
Both models are used to measure value creation of companies and frequently applied in company’s valuation and investment project valuation each investment is evaluated of future decisions over its useful life based on the expected cash flows. The result is net present value (NPV) and a positive NPV show that investment creates value.
It is a notion that EVA approach requires less information than a DCF valuation, or that it provides a better estimate of value is false. The EVA approach should yield the same value as a DCF valuation (DAMODARAN), and it requires more information, not less (forecast of capital spend on assets, investments and acquisitions). The DCF valuation requires cash flows and a discount rate to arrive at a value, whereas the EVA approach requires these inputs