Course Instructor:
Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu ThuyDean of Faculty of Business Administration, Foreign Trade University
Course Description:
A comprehensive and advanced study of financial products and services for investors and corporations; of financial analysis, planning, and control techniques for a business entity with emphasis on corporations.Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Identify the primary duties and responsibilities of financial managers.
- Understand agency problems and different financial incentives for stakeholders.
- Understand the mechanisms of financial markets.
- Analyze the financial condition of a firm using financial-statement analysis, financial-ratio analysis, Du Pont analysis, common-size analysis, comparative analysis, indexed analysis, and trend analysis.
- Calculate financial values based on the concept of the time value of money.
- Conduct investment project appraisal, and implement the sensitivity analysis.
- Understand the financial products such as stocks and bonds.
- Implement stock and bond valuation.
- Understand the relationship between risks and returns.
- Calculate the value and yield of corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and common stocks.
- Evaluate financial assets and portfolios using fundamental analysis, modern portfolio theory, CAPM, and capital structure.
- Calculate the weighted average cost of capital for a firm, and explain how to determine target capital structure.
- Understand payout policy (by dividend, or share repurchase).
- Use MS excel in all above calculations and analyses.
Text books:
Eugene Brigham and Michael Ehrhardt, Financial Management, Theory and Practice, 12th Edition, 2008, Thomson Southwestern
Ross, Westerfield & Jaffe, 2005, Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, 7th edition (or later edition)
You will need a laptop with excel application in class