The rationale for looking into the economics of the broiler production project is to ensure that scarce resources are used to derive optimum benefit. It must however be noted that the main objective of the project is to educate the students and to stir up their interest in practical agriculture. Hence, this analysis may not reflect a true economic analysis since the management was done by the students with little supervision by corps members in the programme. Prior to the commencement of the project, the students were taken through the rudiments of broiler production with series of lectures.
The model used in calculating and estimating the Net Farm Income can be represented using the equation below:
NFI = ΣPyi Yi ˗ ΣPxi Xj + ΣFk i=1 j=1 k=1
NFI = Net Farm Income
Yi = Enterprise’s product(s) (where i=1,2,3,……n products)
Pyi = Unit price of the product(s)
Xj = Quantity of the variable input (where j=1,2,3,…… m variable inputs)
Pxj = Price/ unit of variable input
Fk = Cost of fixed inputs (where k= 1,2,3,…….k fixed inputs)
Σ = Summation/addition sign Using the above model, the project was analysed for economic viability (0-8 weeks). The expenses incurred in the project were of two category and they are variable costs and the fixed costs. The fixed costs is the costs incurred on fixed