From time to time, the United States of America has dealt with many up and downs, when comes to its economy. Therefore programs like the welfare have been created and designed in order to help society get back on their feet. Yet many different questions arise throughout the country, when it comes to welfare aid programs. Such questions like, welfare benefits pays more that an entry level job? Or the welfare is being too generous to lower class people. As a result in my macro economy class each student was assigned with a very interesting article titled “taxing hard up Americans at 95%”. This article we are supposed to analyze based on economic terms and theories from previous lectures discussed in class.
To begin with, while reading throughout this article I saw many economic theories and terms. Theories like how people are rational when it comes to making choice, how they respond to incentives and how they act on the margin. Meanwhile, in the first two paragraph of this article “taxing hard up American at 95%”. There is a case about a woman named “Melissa Devilma. Basically, she was a “homeless, jobless and alone need it in help”. Therefore, the welfare program gave her an amount of money and food stamps each month. They also helped her with housing assistance. Then by adding up the health care plus money cash, food stamps and taxpayer, it came with a total of thirty three thousand dollars. However, MS Devilma admits “that if it was not for her son and the recent expiry of her cash aid, she would have rather live on welfare”. Now if we analyze this case, one can see how MS Devilma makes a rational decision, by deciding to go to college and get a degree. Since she knew that hear welfare aid had an expiration date. In addition, since people respond to incentives, one can see how the government in a way or the other incentivizes her to get an education or a degree, since her aid was not going to be there forever. Finally