Bibliography: World Wild Life Government Funded - Valid and updated information Well Known Organization - Has great credibility and reliability Consistently Updated Environmental Impact Statement for Las Vegas Airport Peter Byrne, Deputy Project Manager PHPSESSID=4221c9bf9d10e47b3ba965dc1ce7743f Document on Internet (Found on Forum) - Inside information that has to funding or sponsorship / support off any credible groups Reliable information straight from project manager of the new airport site Bias Opinions - trying to influence viewers Mojave Desert Land Trust Group Partnered with the Government - extremely reliable, in many cases the government rely on this organization Very credible information that is updated frequently Mojave Desert Climate 2001 Document written 10 years ago - Correct information, may not be accurate to date Information compares well with other sources - Correct information due to similarity with other sites Sites on the bibliography of the site, are reliable
Bibliography: World Wild Life Government Funded - Valid and updated information Well Known Organization - Has great credibility and reliability Consistently Updated Environmental Impact Statement for Las Vegas Airport Peter Byrne, Deputy Project Manager PHPSESSID=4221c9bf9d10e47b3ba965dc1ce7743f Document on Internet (Found on Forum) - Inside information that has to funding or sponsorship / support off any credible groups Reliable information straight from project manager of the new airport site Bias Opinions - trying to influence viewers Mojave Desert Land Trust Group Partnered with the Government - extremely reliable, in many cases the government rely on this organization Very credible information that is updated frequently Mojave Desert Climate 2001 Document written 10 years ago - Correct information, may not be accurate to date Information compares well with other sources - Correct information due to similarity with other sites Sites on the bibliography of the site, are reliable