September 25, 2013
School Improvement Team-Problem to Address
School leaders and principals have a very demanding position when it comes to the everyday decision. The leadership team developed will address school safety and the steps in creating a school safety team . In today’s schools safety has become a very serious part of the school improvement plan. With the recent tragedies that have been occurring throughout the country, school officials are demanded required to implement effective school safety plans to ensure the safety of all stakeholders involved in the everyday operations of a school. According to Carl Glickman “ It“It is responsible for a school to mobilize, initiate, and act without any conscious way of determining whether such expenditure of time and energy is having a desirable effect”. Having a strong school safety plan will ensure a productive and safe learning environment for all stakeholders involved. This paper will discuss the implementation and the development of a school safety team. It will cover the importance on how it is to have an effective school safety plan in place. It will break down the different strategies and who is responsible for implementing an effective school safety plan.
S.I.P Team Information
Tasks Activities Who When
The Principal’s responsibilities is to ensure the plan implemented will be effective and in place to protect the well-being of the staff, students, and visitors during the usual hours of school operations. They are also required to implement and revised any strategies seen fit for the safety of the school. Principals will hold timely meetings. Principals will recruit and put together a strong collaborative team that will work effectively to implement a school safety plan. Principals will facilitate and make all final decisions pertaining to the school safety plan. School Principal/ Site Administrator The implementation period for the Principal varies due to situations that occur. The plan itself must be in place at the beginning of the school year to effectively put to work by the members of the team.
The School Resource officer is responsible for securing the buildings and enforcing all the rules and policies mandated by the school district in concurrence with safety policies. The resource officers are responsible for the enforcement of strategies implemented by the school safety team. School resource officer are responsible for enforcing all school safety rules and policies mandated by the district. They are responsible to work alongside school site administrators and supporting the safety rules in place as long as it in concurrence with district guidelines. They will hold various safety workshops and will keep school officials inform of any safety issues within the community. School Resource officer School Resource officers work all year around. They are constantly putting the safety plan in motion. They are in full compliance on a daily basis enforcing the safety plan.
Works alongside the site administrator to help organize the safety plan, also responsible for implementing activities for the safety committee. The program facilitator/site safety chairman is responsible for implementing and overseeing all trainings needed to implement strategies set by the school safety team. Practicing safety drills and implementing safety protocols set by the safety team. Assistant Principal/Program Facilitator/Site Safety Chairman Assistant Principal implements the strategies put in place by the school safety team in a timely manner. They evaluate and monitor the progress of the plans progress. They make sure effective training is available all year around.
Department heads work alongside the program facilitator enforcing the safety program requirements, responsible to make it clear and understanding to teachers/staff. Department heads will be responsible to inform teachers of new protocols and strategies implemented by the school safety team. They will do so by weekly informative meetings and a collaborative effort to ensure safety. Department Heads Department heads will fully implement the strategies of the school safety plan. In doing so they will re-enforce and assist with the visions of the school safety plan to their teachers on a demanding notice. This will be implemented the entire school year.
Teachers will implement safety strategies with the guidance and support of their immediate supervisor and safety committee. Teachers will make sure students follow all school safety rules, teaches will implement rules and explain it to students with in the classroom rules in policies. They will enforce these rules and hold students accountable to practice these safety rules that will ensure a healthy and safe learning environment. Teachers Teachers will implement all safety rules at the beginning of every school year. They will continue to do so on a needs basis. They will make sure that the students are practicing and implementing the safety policies set by the school safety team.
These individuals are responsible for observing the safety rules implemented. They are also responsible for following all guidelines and safety rules, the process and duties prescribe by the Principal or any other supervisors. Will have similar responsibilities as the school teacher, however will address the students in a very different capacity from the teachers. School security guards will ensure the safety of students prior to them entering their classrooms and will do so in compliance of the polices and rules in place set by the school safety team. Other Employees/Support Staff Other employees/support staff will implement safety rules at the beginning of the school year. Following all rules and guidelines to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.
All students are responsible for following the rules in place that were implemented by the school safety team. The students are responsible to report to the teacher who will implement the rules in their everyday process. Students will follow all safety rules in place. They will do so in concurrence to the rules set by their teachers and support staffs. The student will follow all guidelines and respect the fact that a safe and healthy learning environment will ensure them meeting their full potential and learning needs. Students Students will follow all school rules while enrolled in a school which follows the safety guidelines that are in place by the school safety team. They will do so with the leadership of their teachers and support staff.
The objective of a school wide safety program is to ensure the day to day safety of all stakeholders involved in the day to day operations of a school environment. The school safety team was created for the sole purpose of implementing, enforcing, and coming up with effective strategies to make the school a safe and healthy learning environment. The team was put together to come up with ways to overcome or to minimize different barriers which can affect the safety precautions in schools. The team will prove its effectiveness and implement ways that will reduce students and employees injuries. They will also come up with various productive strategies to ensure the safety policies are being followed and monitored to make the school an effective and safe learning environment. According to SREB Leadership Curriculum model, “When involving team effort, each team member brings different strengths to the team. Teams are also more productive when they identify, maximize and channel these strengths ”. When developing the school safety team, strengths and weaknesses was identified, and placing them in position to be successful was essential to the effectiveness of the school safety plan. The team must identify the major components of a school safety plan and must know how essential it is to effectively enhance school safety. Upon creation of the committee specific roles and responsibilities were assigned. Specific roles and duties was administrated by the Principal. The team will have the abilities to come up with the best strategies to support the school safety plan. The school safety team compromises of the Principal (site administrator), assistant principal (site chairman), school resource officer, department heads, teachers, support staff, and students. The roles of the team go as follows: Principal- is also known as the site administrator, is responsible for the safety of all staff and students, as well as visitors that enter the school environment. The principal oversees the school safety team and all final decisions rest with them. The assistant principal- site chairman is responsible and answers to the site administrator, for the implementation of trainings and procedures to enhance the team member’s knowledge of the school safety policies. The school resource officer role is to support the plan implemented by the school safety team and to make sure the plan aligns with the district’s plan. The officer also is responsible for keeping the school safety team informed of any problems in the community. The department head is responsible with notifying their teachers/staff who then implements the rules and policies to their students. The community and stakeholders are essential piece of the puzzle for implementing a school safety plan. The school improvement team will have outreach programs such as town hall meetings, P.A.C. meetings (Parents against Crimes) and school safety workshops to involve the local business, churches, and community members. The programs will allow stakeholders to voice their opinions on what they need to be done to improve school safety. The team will create a CIT, ( Crisis Intervention Team), this team will be solely responsible to respond to immediate crisis in our communities offering help and support to help individuals overcome whatever barriers they face. This team is a team created within the school.
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