Edgar Allen Poe’s mental health didn’t not seem too stable. From his book/Novel/Story, Poe was a dangerous man to be around. You see, Poe committed a crime. Murder. “In an
instant I dragged him to the floor, and pulled the heavy bed over him…The old man was dead.” (The Tell-Tale Heart, 93). In fact Poe didn’t just simply murder the old man he sliced the bodies into different parts just so he could play them under the wooden floor as stated on page 93, “First of all I dismembered the corps… I then took up three planks from …show more content…
I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees-very gradually-I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.” As told on page 89 of “The Tell-Tale Heart.” But yes, if I had to say if Poe was indeed an insane man, seeking revenge or simply just mad, I would certainly say Poe was insane.
Though Poe seemed insane he turned himself into the police when they were in his home. That was quite the plot twist, I don’t think anyone would have thought Poe would just take responsibility for the crime he has committed, especially sense he put so
much time and planning into killing the old man. But he just freaking out and was too anxious to hold it in. “Louder-Louder-Louder!... I admit the deed!-tear up the planks!-Here, here!-it is the beating of his hideous heart!” (The Tell-Tale Heart, 94)
So was Edgar Allen Poe yes, was a criminal, he had no real reason, no motivation to kill the old man, he did turn himself in to the police, and he .Therefore I would most definitely say Edgar Allen Poe’s state of mind was not quite normal, his mental health wasn’t good