The study was done in the Mpenjati estuary. It was found more briefly if sediment grain size and mineralogy distribution change across a beach profile changes and how it change. 4 zoneS of a beach profile were sampled. Quartz is the most stable sediment composition in the surface of the earth, compared to heavy minerals and feldspar (Marshak, 2008).
The aim of the study was to find out how does the sediment grain size and mineralogy distribution change across a beach profile. Mineral is a homogenous, naturally occurring solid inorganic substance with a definable chemical composition (Marshak, 2005). The impacts of the depositional environment, transport and climate on the morphology of minerals oceans are the focus of discussion during the present study of grain morphology (Shaffer,2006). It goes without saying that morphology and texture as well as the intergrowths among ocean minerals are also of utmost importance for the and industrial use of placer minerals (Pipkin, 2007) and by this oceans profiles must not be protected from pollution and disasters. The Mpenjati Estuary has been subjected to extensive sand and stone mining for approximately 40 years and the mining operations affected sediment patterns (matthias et al,2012) . Although geologists tend to classify estuaries according to their geomorphology, physiography, sedimentation or tidal patterns but an estuary is an enclosed coastal body of water which is periodically or permanently open to the sea (Whitfield, 2010). The study was done by the University Of KwaZulu-Natal students of BIOL 231 (Marine environments) together with their demonstrators and Lecturer. The study was done in the Mpenjati estuary on the third of August 2013 which is the winter season while the estuary was closed at the mouth. The Mpenjati estuary is an open/ closed estuary located at 30 ͦ 58’15” and
References: Marshak S.S., (2005). Earth: Portrait of the planet 2nd eds. W.W. Norton & Company, Incl., New York, London Marshak S.S, (2008). Earth: Portrait of the planet 3rd eds. W.W. Norton & Company, Incl., New York, London Matthias (2012) et al, KOTLIK School, AK 9960. P.O BOX 20129, 8 JUNE 2012, The Nushagak Estuary: Its Salmon resource, Potential Threat and proposed management plan. Pipkin B.W., et.al, 2001. Labaratory exercise in Oceanography, 3rd edition. USA Ron Uken 2011, UKZN WESTVILLE CAMPUS BIOL 231 PRACTICAL MANUAL (GEOLOGICAL COMPONENT) Schwartz M.L., 2005. Encyclopedia of coastal Sciences. Published by springer 16 June 2005 Shaffer,R., (2006). The Time of Sands: Quartz-rich Sand Deposits as a renewable Resource. Electronic Green Journal, 1(24):1-35 Whitfield A.K, J.L.B Smith institute of Ichyology, Private Bag 1015 Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa published online: 08 November 2010, 18: 1-2, 89-103, DOL Whitfield A.K Maps and Locations of South African Estuaries Index, Generated by resource quality service 2003-08-08, 14:25:28, S.A INDEX for aquatic Biodiversity.