EDITH KRAMER: Art as Therapy
Carolyn T. Tongco
World Education University
Author Note
Carolyn T. Tongco, Expressive Arts Therapy, World Education University
Carolyn T. Tongco is a student in Expressive Arts Therapy Course at World Education University.
She is also an Expressive Arts Meditation Facilitator at Artist Madhouse
This research was done as a partial completion of for the Graduate Certificate Course in
Expressive Arts Therapy
Correspondence concerning this research paper should be addressed to Carolyn T. Tongco,
Expressive Arts Meditation Facilitator
Contact: carolyn.tongco@artistmadhouse.com
E D I T H K R A M E R : A r t a s T h e r a p y 2
Abstract Art as Therapy is a principle founded by Edith Kramer. It is based on Freudian psychoanalytic thinking. She emphasized the process of art making rather than the product or the finished art work. She believes that this brings healing to the individual. This belief created a “Historic Rift” between her and Margaret Naumburg. Though their approaches are the same the rift between their ideals persists. Her influence in the field of Art Therapy has contributed the field until the present time. She has also been an active critic of some Art Therapy practices. She constantly challenges the art therapists to engage in their own creative process rather than creating meaningless graphs and tables. Keywords: Edith Kramer, Art as Therapy, Freudian psychoanalytic thinking
E D I T H K R A M E R : A r t a s T h e r a p y 3
Inroduction I came across Edith Kramer’s name