Science /food/ nutrition fourth period Special education final six weeks lesson plan
Sixth Six weeks EOC
Teacher Candidate: Deborah Eubank | Course: Science, Food Nutrition, Life Skills | LESSON PREPARATION [before the lesson] | Topic: Reading, Comprehension, Research, Writing, Communication, Life Skills | Concept: Individuality and Acceptance | Subject: Science / Food- nutrition | Grade:9-11 S.P.E.D | Primary Objective:The students will be divided into groups with each having a portion off of the food pyramid to research and write a presentation on to present to the class. Each group will also be tracking a daily food log recording their daily food intake and which portion it belongs to and make sure they are getting the right nutrition balance on a daily chart. At the end of the six weeks for their end of course test they will each make a dish for the class pertaining to a food off of their portion of the food pyramid and incorporate measurements and portions adequately and also preparation , cleaning and shopping for the cooking for their life skills. | Classroom Diversity and Differentiated Instruction: (How will you teach the different type of learners in your classroom?)The class will be divided equally into five groups for each portion of the food pyramid. They will be divided equally among learning levels and grade levels and social aspects to accommodate the lesson as well as each students IEP objectives. | Materials/Equipment: For this activity students will be able to use magazines as well as a food pyramid chart to make their own portion as well as the computers to research valuable information. They will also be able to use the campus cooking home economics room for the cooking lesson. The students will also compose a list as well as take a field trip to the local grocery to purchase their items for final cooking presentation. | Technology Integration:Students will be able to research their