G’day Rita,I ‘m Frank. Time has gone by so quickly and I have been in Australia for one year already. I have missed you so much. How have you been?
Thank you for your encouragement. Now I am continuing to write poems using the pen you gave to me. I believe that I need to respect myself and live up to your expectations. I work at a university as an English lecturer. Do you remember the first day you came to me? You told me you desire to search for a place where you feel a sense of belonging. You were determined to change from the inside to becoming an “educated woman.” (Act I Sc 5 p34) . I remember the day you used a harsh tone and said to me: “I want to change.”(Act I Sc2, p17)The reason you wanted to change is because you feel you do not belong to the working – class, your social group cannot understand you and accept your opinion. You said: “I don’t want to talk about irrelevant rubbish anymore.” From then on, you decided to belong to a high-class educated group. Scene II: Medium shot of Frank in the lecture theatre (The lights come up on Frank who is leaning against the bookshelf)
After years of teaching at the university, I feel disillusioned. I’m tired of hearing the some ideas and quotes coming from my students, so I refused your request: “I’m actually an appalling teacher, you want a lot, and I can’t give it. Everything I know is that I know absolutely nothing.”(Act I Sc 1, p13) As you know, I used to hide the bottle of alcohol among the books. I drink alcohol every day and I feel a sense of not belonging to any place. But everything changed after you appeared. You like a breath of fresh air in a stale world. Your vivacity, your honest and enthusiasm gave me back some interest and belief in the reality of my role and enlivens me to teach.
I’m very happy to see you gain more