SPE 226
April 15, 2012
Betty Cokeley
Educating the Exceptional Learner
An observation was completed on a 2nd grade student who has two different types of visual disorders. The first disorder is dyslexia and the second disorder is a visual disorder which requires the use of an overhead projector with instructions being written in fluorescent colors. The observation was a math activity which involved counting, identification of colors, simple addition, and graphing
Student Strengths
The student observed was a young boy in the 2nd grade. This young man actually had a couple of different disorders, one being dyslexia and the other was a different type of visual disorder. Due to this young man’s disorders it appeared as if he was more of a hands - on type of learner (kinesthetic). He appeared strong in the areas of science and social studies and distributed weaknesses in math, reading, and writing.
Lesson Plan
The lesson plan was planned for teaching math skills which included sorting, graphing, and various addition problems. The student was given a bag of skittles, a graphing worksheet, and a sorting worksheet. Step by step instruction was given. The following is how it was explained to the student. First you will open your bag of skittles. The teacher then asked if he had it open and then she proceeded by instructing him to sort all the candies by color. She also instructed him not to eat any of them. Once he was done sorting she advised him of his errors and corrected them. She then demonstrated what she wanted done of the sorting sheet and the graphing sheet. After he completed both worksheets he was instructed on simple addition of blue candies plus yellow candies, etc.
Accommodation/Lesson Plan
Lesson: Candy Math
Teacher: Mrs. Carnes
Grade Level: Second
Subject: Math
Time: 40- 45 minutes
Materials: Small bag of Skittles, multi-colored, sorting/graphing worksheet, question and answer worksheet pencils, and