Are the results of learning. Can be classified as critical outcomes, learning outcomes, developmental outcomes and specific outcomes.
Critical outcomes:
Critical outcomes are generic, cross-curricular, broad outcomes that form the basis of learning on all levels of education and refers to the learners’ ability to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes in an integrated way.
• identifying and solving problems and taking decisions by using critical and creative thinking
• cooperating effectively with other members of the team, group, organisation and community
• organising and managing themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively
• collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating information
• communicating effectively in various ways by means of visual, symbolic and/or language skills
• using science effectively and critically, and showing responsibility for the environment and the health of others
• showing understanding of the world as a set of interconnected systems by acknowledging that problem solving contexts do not exist in isolation
Developmental outcomes:
• thinking about and investigating a variety of strategies for learning effectively
• participating as responsible citizens in the life of the local, national and world societies
• being culturally and aesthetically sensitive in various social contexts
• investigating training and career possibilities
• developing entrepreneurial opportunities
Specific outcomes:
• are related to the eight learning areas
• Refer to the specific knowledge, skills and attitudes that learners have to demonstrate in each learning area.
• They are context specific and are informed by critical outcomes
• Serve as the basis for assessing the progress of learners and thus, indirectly, the effectiveness of learning processes and learning programmes.
• Also referred to as enabling outcomes i.e. essential building blocks for