The home is the primary institution for children, home as perceived by Abdulganiyu (1997), Nwachil (1984), is the primary social group and smallest social institution. The family can therefore, be looked at as a social group characterized by common resident, economic, cooperation and production. It include adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintained a socially approved sexual relationship and one or more children own or adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults. When a child is born, the family is the first primary group with which they come into contact. Transmission of social values of right and wrong, what is morally and religiously accepted or condemned by the family, it follows therefore that by the time a child attained five to seven years of age he must have learnt what are his rights, obligations and roles within the society. However, the background of a child go along way to determine their individuality. But the time he/she enters schools, the child does so with different attitudes and expectations. In addition they may be of the same age group, developed at different rates and so may be able to cope with the intellectual and social task of the school in varying extent. Also, children that have suffered from neglect or lack of love or broken homes are known to be psychologically imbalanced to face the realities of life. When there is disunity in the family, or a difference between a mother or a father, the child is caught in the middle and will be at disadvantage. According to Blackby (1999), adequate research need to be conducted in this direction to ensure smooth transition of children from early stages to adulthood. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
The child’s home and his family offer the best education since his parents serve as teachers. The parents lay the foundation for the desired social, moral, emotional, spiritual and intellectual for the child. The training a received from home is of greatest importance in his total