Bia Mcgrue-Scypion
EDU304: Introduction to Education
Prof. Susan Krach-Hoge
An anonymous writer expresses that “closing the Digital Divide is not just about giving to the poor the benefits of the rich. It is about creating a more equitable and balanced world economy.” (Anonymous 2010) We are in a new age in where technology is vital to our growth and were the World Wide Web comes equipped with the most basic phone. Education and technology has grown exceedingly and is continuing to grow this is not just limited to education but to all facets of our lives. The internet is no longer viewed as a privileged option but as a vital resource to our everyday life. Within our society digital divide can cause major problems within the classroom for students and teachers. Some can even equate digital divide to inadequacy or and diversity. What is digital divide in regards to education? Our text describe digital divide as “quality of hardware, software, and connectivity that is available to users across social classes. (Koch 2012) Digital divide does not only imply to those who do not have access to computers or technology but also to those who are unaware or less knowledgeable on how to use these advances. Some would define digital divide as a growing inconsistency affecting the impoverished in our society. Jeff Dunn shares that digital divide “often falls along racial lines, with poorer Americans, usually non-whites, having less access to adequate Internet services and, therefore, less ability to participate in the new opportunities presented by the Internet.” (Dunn 2013) In my opinion I believe all of these examples define digital divide it is affected by income or economic status as well as access and knowledge, if you have access to the technology but are unaware of how to use it than you are still part of the divide. Digital divide has impacted students in the classroom in more ways than one. Technology is very important